For those with or caring for individuals with AADC deficiency, call to speak with one of our Case Managers.

CALL 1-844-478-2227

Existing Patients: Report 2024 insurance changes to avoid disruptions

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Not an actual patient.

Let’s get it started

PTC Cares™ is designed to help get you started on treatment and to support you throughout your journey. This video will give you a short overview of who we are, what we do, and how we can help.

Helpful resources

We’ve created a library of resources to help keep you informed on a variety of topics:

Prescription Start Form

Treatment begins with the Prescription Start Form that you and your healthcare provider fill out and your provider faxes to us.


Insurance Glossary

A glossary of commonly used terms that can help prepare you for important insurance-related conversations.


Clinic Visit Readiness Sheet

Gather and record important information or questions for your healthcare provider so you can make the most of your next visit.


Community Resources and Telehealth Tip Sheet

Information about assistance programs that may benefit you and your family and links to helpful information about telehealth visits.

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